How to Train a Cat to Use a Litter Box In 5 Easy Steps?

Last Updated on October 13, 2022 Ashley Camelia

What’s the first thing you should do when you get a new cat? Teach them how to use the litter box, of course! It may seem daunting, but with a little patience and some supplies, it can be done. Common question pet owners have is how to train a cat to use a litter box.

It’s not as difficult as it may seem, but there are some supplies you’ll need. In this article, we’ll discuss the steps you need to take and the supplies you’ll need to successfully train your cat.

We’ll also provide some tips on how to keep your cat using the litter box correctly. So, whether your kitty is just starting to use a litter box or you’re having trouble with him/her going outside of it, read on for advice!

So, the first question in your mind must be which things can help me to train my cat?

how to train a cat to use a litter box


Which Supply do I need to Train a Cat to Use a Litter Box?

There are a few things that can help you with litter training your cat:

  1. A Little box

This is obviously a must-have for training your cat to use the bathroom indoors. There are a variety of different boxes on the market, so you can find one that best suits your needs and preferences.

  1. Little

You’ll also need some good-quality litter to put in your cat’s litter box. There are many different types of litter available, so be sure to choose one that your cat will like eco-friendly litter, like those made from recycled paper, are a good option for cats who prefer unscented litter.

  1. Training aids

If needed, there are various training aids available to help teach your cat how to use the litter box properly. These include things like sprays or pastes that create a scent similar to urine, which will help guide your cat toward the right spot.

  1. Treats and Toys

Lastly, make sure you have some treats and toys on hand to keep your cat’s motivation high. Rewarding your cat for using the litter box correctly is a great way to encourage good bathroom habits.

So, what are the steps I need to take to train a cat to use a litter box? Watch the following video to get valuable tips now:

How to Train a Cat to Use a Litter Box?

There are a few basic steps you’ll need to follow when training your cat to use the litter box:

1. Choose the right spot for the litter box

When choosing a location for your cat’s litter box; be sure to pick a spot that is accessible, but also private and quiet. A good place would be somewhere in a corner where your cat can feel comfortable doing his business without being disturbed or observed by others.

2. Set up the litter box

Once you’ve picked a spot for the box, set it up and add some litter. Be sure to put the litter box in an easily accessible location so your cat can get to it easily.

3. Show your cat where the litter box is

Once the box is set up, take your cat to it and show him/her where it is. This will help your cat learn where he/she is supposed to go when it’s time to use the bathroom.

4. Start adding small amounts of urine to the litter box

Once your cat has become comfortable with using the litter box, start adding a small amount of urine to the litter on a daily basis. This will help teach your cat how to “go” in the right place.

5. Gradually reduce the amount of urine added to the litter box

Once your cat is consistently using the litter box, start reducing the amount of urine you add until he/she is only using it as intended.

So, these are a few steps and supplies that will help you to litter train your cat. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian if you’re having any trouble getting your cat to use the litter box.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how to train a cat to use a litter box, let’s take a look at some tips for keeping him/her using it correctly.

Stop your cat from going outside the litter box



How Can I Keep My Cat Using the Litter Box Correctly?

Once your cat has learned how to use the litter box, it’s important to continue reinforcing good bathroom habits. Here are a few tips on how to do that:

1. Keep the litter box clean

Make sure you regularly clean your cat’s litter box so it stays fresh and appealing. A dirty litter box can be a turn-off for cats and may cause them to stop using it altogether.

2. Add new litter occasionally

In addition to regularly cleaning the box, you can also add a fresh layer of litter every so often. This will help keep your cat’s bathroom habits consistent and prevent him/her from getting bored with the same old thing.

3. Reward good behavior

When your cat uses the litter box correctly, be sure to reward him/her with a treat or some playtime. This will help encourage good bathroom habits and ensure that your cat continues using the litter box properly.

4. Address any problems quickly

If you notice that your cat is starting to go outside of the litter box, address the problem immediately. This may require taking some corrective action, like moving the litter box to a different location or changing the type of litter used.

5. Keep an open dialogue with your veterinarian

If you’re having any trouble getting your cat to use the litter box, or if you’re concerned about his/her bathroom habits, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. He or she may be able to offer some helpful advice and suggestions on how to get your cat back on track.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long does it take to train a cat to use a litter box?

It generally takes a few days for cats to get used to using a litter box, but it may take longer in some cases. It’s important to be patient and consistent with the training process.

2. Do you have to train a cat to use a litter box?

Yes, cats need to be taught how to use a litter box. This is a process that can be done with a little patience and some simple supplies.

3. How do cats learn to use a litter box so fast?

Cats learn to use a litter box quickly because it’s an instinctual behavior. They are naturally drawn to using soft, sandy surfaces to bury their waste.

4. What is the fastest way to litter train a kitten?

The fastest way to litter train a kitten is to start as early as possible. Kittens can begin using a litter box at around 8 weeks old. If you have an older cat, you can still train him or her to use the litter box, but it may take longer.

5. Will my cat find the litter box if I move it?

It’s possible that your cat may not find the litter box if you move it to a different location. If this happens, try putting the box in a spot where your cat has been known to spend a lot of time. You can also place a few pieces of soiled litter in the new location to help lure your cat there.

6. Are cats naturally potty trained?

No, cats are not naturally potty trained. They must be taught how to use a litter box, and some may take longer than others to get the hang of it.

7. Why do cats use the litter box right after you clean it?

Cats may use the litter box soon after you clean it because they associate the fresh scent of the cleaner with the litter box. They may also think that the box is empty and decide to use it anyway.

8. How do I get my kitten to pee in the litter box?

You can get your kitten to pee in the litter box by placing him or her in the box after he or she has been eliminated. You can also try sprinkling some urine from the litter box in the surrounding area to lure your kitten there.

9. What age should a kitten be fully litter trained?

Most kittens are fully litter-trained by around 8 weeks old. However, some may take longer to learn the proper bathroom habits. If you have an older cat, it may take longer for him or her to be completely potty trained.

10. Is it hard to litter train a kitten?

No, it’s not hard to litter train a kitten. With a little patience and consistency, most kittens will be using the litter box in no time.

11. Where is the best place to put a litter box?

The best place to put a litter box is in a quiet, private spot where your cat will feel comfortable using it. Some good locations include near or inside a closet, in a bathroom, or in a laundry room.

12. How often should a cat’s litter be changed?

It’s generally recommended to change a cat’s litter box every 2-3 days. This will help keep the box clean and free of any waste or urine smells.

13. How do you stop a cat from pooping on the floor?

If your cat is pooping on the floor instead of in the litter box, it may be because the box is not clean enough. You can try cleaning the box more often, or you may need to get a bigger one if your cat is having trouble fitting inside. If the problem persists, you may need to have your cat checked by a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.



Have you ever had to train a cat to use a litter box? It can be an arduous task, but it’s worth it in the end. Not only will your home stay clean and free of unsightly cat waste, but you’ll also have a happy, healthy feline friend.

 If you’re just starting out on this journey, or are looking for tips to help keep your kitty using the litter box correctly, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for our top tips on how to train a cat to use a litter box like a pro!

What is your experience training your cat for using the litter box? Tell us about it in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!